This is an introductory class for those who desire to teach massage, as an instructor in entry-level massage school, as an online educator, a CE provider, or as a community educator. It takes more than being a good massage therapist to be a good instructor. You'll get all kinds of tips for creating a teaching experience that will benefit both you and your students.
At LMTCE we offer wide range of professionally taught online massage therapy courses that our experts design to improve every facet of your massage therapy practice.
Testimonial of The Massage Professional
I like the fact that it was so easy to take. I was actually taking it while I was at work and managed to do it at the same time
Rhawnie W.
Massage Professional
Useful! It was fast, efficient. Good value for your money. Allows therapists to work at their convenience with no loss of work time.
Fabriza M.
Massage Professional
Educational. Easy to navigate and understand. Well done and am happy with the overall experience
Frank C.
Massage Professional
It is well delivered, a great review and presents new information for my professional use. I liked it and will take it again
John C.
Massage Professional